
Thursday, December 15, 2016


Eyes snap open and lungs gasp for breath. Hands reach, flailing and uncoordinated, and scrabble at the glass of the cryo-tube. Leaning forward from the half-reclined position, naked flesh thuds to the ground as balance is lost and servos move the outer shell of the tube out of the way. An empty stomach heaves to bring up the breakfast that the mind remembers eating, but this body has never taken in food.

Resurrection. Rebirth. Cloning. Call it whatever they might, it was a harrowing experience, but this experience was not like the others. Hands shaking, Minuit brushed hair away from her face, knowing something was wrong from the thick layer of dust that coated everything. What had the janitors been up to? How had this much dust accumulated since her last death? Why didn't she remember the details of dying.

Crawling over to the nearby silent computer bank, and pulling herself into a chair, trembling fingers plugged the jack into one of the surgically installed ports at the base of her neck, and her eyes widened in shock.

Over 5 years?

That's right, space fans. It's been nearly 6 years since I have posted on this blog, and around 5 years since I started playing EVE Online again after taking a break from online games of all sorts.

Since returning to EVE, I've done kind of a lot of different things... More than will fit in this post in more than a summary, but hey, that gives me things to talk about, right?

Here's the summary: Returned to EVE with KattraStarr, and started wandering around High-sec doing some trading and trying to find a place to fit in. In an effort to retrieve some ships from what used to be my old corp/alliances territory in JEIV, I discovered ProviBloc and NRDS. Shocked and excited, I talked Katt into applying to some corps down there, particularly in Yulai Federation, who at the time I thought were actually the only NRDS crew in EVE. (See how long I've been gone, and how ill informed I am?)

We were accepted into Syndax Corporation and moved into providence. We hooked up with some industrialists in the corp and enjoyed their company. Syndax decided to split away from Yulai Federation, form Axiom Vocation Alliance, and move out into Catch, and those industrialists we had enjoyed the company of reformed GeneSia-IRC . We transferred to GeneSia and followed out into Catch.

We discovered multi-boxing and several ways of supporting a host of accounts without paying any real life cash, and broke into T1 production, including Capital production, finally doing what Katt had always wanted to do.

We've been through wars beside our allies VOLT and StainWagon, both on offensive and defensive, and have learned a whole load. I've risen to a leadership role within GeneSia, and continue to enjoy learning at the feet of probably the best CEO I've encountered.

Our home is a tough place to live. Tougher perhaps than the wormhole ever was, but the sun still shines at midnight out here, and I'd hate to let all that sunlight go to waste!

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